

The pawpaw was once one of America's most popular fruits, and a day out hunting was complete in Autumn unless your pockets bulged with paw paws. It is known by many names, including the Michigan banana, the prairie banana, and the Indiana banana.

While it grows best right here in the beautiful Great Lakes region, as a member of the Tropical Custard Apple Family (Annonaceae) the pawpaw's closest relatives grow in the tropical jungles of Southern Mexico and Central America.

It has the creamy texture of a banana, the shape and appearance of a mango, and it grows right here in the US.


Looking to purchase pawpaws?


Here at Nash Nurseries, all pawpaws are grown from our orchards. We carry all Neal Peterson varities as well as other select cultivars that we enjoy here at Nash Nurseries. Below there is a download link for our current pawpaw availability.

Click here to download our current pawpaw availability!

If you would like to place an order for shipment* or to be picked up, please send a completed ordering form (found on our products page) to with all revelant information.

*Please note, we ship pawpaws as the weather permits beginning in April and throughout the season until Octoboer. Pawpaws can be picked up at the nursery anytime during business hours.